Segment Five: Postpartum

Introduction with Serena: Join us as Serena interviews four mamas about their experiences through pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and becoming a mom. Four mamas come to share their unique and personal experience though pregnancy, child birth, and motherhood. Each mama shares their advice to their younger self and to all the new moms out there.

Stefanie: Meet Stefanie. Listen in on her story as she shares how she got through postpartum depression and her advice to all the moms who are facing it now.

Meet Juana: Meet Juana. Join us as she shares her story about her experience with her son she had at a young age and in a young marriage. Listen in as she shares her story and her advice.

Meet Nijae: Meet Nijae. Listen in on her story and how she battles and learns the ins and outs of being the mom to her son Hunter, who has special needs. She shares her advice to the moms experience the same within there lives.

Meet Stardiazia: Meet Stardiazia. Listen in as she shares the story of the natural birth in a birthing center. She speaks on her journey as a mother to her son Noah.