Segment seven: behind the brand Serena takes 3 participants and dives into the brands they have created from the ground up. It takes a village to form what they each created from the beginning until today, each of these individuals has created teams brands, and resources to help educate, share, and promote individuals and their businesses, careers, and communities. Join us as we speak with the founder of The Cre8ive Space, Shianne Wisdom. With being in full effect for a few years now, The Cre8ive space is a community of creatives and individuals to come together and not just create but in a space to connect with God. Shianne used her faith and her encouragement to bring together people and resources to build up individuals. You can find her and the brand on social media: @shiannaewisdom @thecr8ivespace700 Can also follow and join the community: Networking and building connections are some of the tools we need to advance in our careers or to get out of them. Jerlisa, or as you might know her, Juju, has been on the journey of helping to bring different industries together, share resources and knowledge with others, and ask the questions that need to be answered so that others can rise just as they might need to. Hue Capital is just that brand and the place to pivot and gain access to those career goals and choices you need. Follow Juju and the brand: @jujufontaine_ @huecapitalco Check out the site that is advancing career choices as we speak: Welcome back to Matthew! His first appearance was on our "Being Black in America" segment focusing on black men being raised in America. Now we are back to talk about his brand and magazine, 20XX. As he promotes Issue 3's release, we dive into his life of being an artist and creating artwork and how NYC life is impactful to all. You can follow Matthew and the brand: @mattias.gif @20XXmagazine Join the newsletter for all things NYC events: