Overwhelmed is an Understatement: Confessions of a Mom


What a time, what a time. I am back with something that many of the moms just need.

Here is a little life update from a first-time mom to you:

  1. Overwhelmed is an understatement: There is this dire need to have your child be smart. Why can’t kids just be kids? Learn at their own pace, do what they need, and just take it easy. There is so much time in the world and America says that they must grow up fast and for what, to work a 9-5 job that they most likely will hate in the long run? At this point, I say that we just need to give our children the chance and once that chance is given, their skills will be showcased.

  2. Being a boy mom is draining: All we do is play. I want to take a nap. All I want to do is take a nap. Wake up, park, play, sleep, repeat. I need a break.

  3. Take time for yourself: I want to stress this. And I cannot stress this enough. I am experiencing so much burnout that. a break was necessary. I did just that recently and honestly, I feel so much better. If you have the chance to have child care for a few days and have your child go with family for a short time, do it. You need the break and they need the break from you. Trust me, missing each other is a good thing. You will want to see each other, talk to each other, and want to get back to each other but take the time apart for both of you to have the time to have time doing something different. A change of scenery is good.

  4. Being a stay-at-home mom is not for the weak: I tried it, but it’s not for me. But now that I am at work again, I don’t want to be there either. I just want to be with my baby. So honestly, what is the alternative? Although I do work from home for my brand and freelance, I still have to think about a more steady income. Yes, I have help from my partner but listen, having your own money, that’s just something I’m used to.

Take it from me, you are doing a great job. You are a great mom. At the end of the day, you know what is best for you. I want you all to know that you are the best, you are amazing, and no one can tell you otherwise.

If you ever need a chat, I know there is a mom near you who might need to chat too. Hit her up, if you need a mom friend, hit me up too. There are resources for us all, especially as new moms, the support is necessary because it’s easy to get overwhelmed.


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