Shaiyke Jordan
All we do is hurt
And cause each other pain
But Blood is blood and Tears are tears
No matter what group you claim
Recognize the division
We continue to perpetuate
If equality is what we’re after
Then why do we continue to separate
Should I be denigrated
For embracing my heritage with passion,
Being proud of my culture,
Or celebrating my faith by donning its fashion?
Don’t vilify me
For another’s fallacies and crimes
Don’t cast your prejudice on me
And say “This was done by your kind”
See me for who I am
And see me for what I do
Respect begets respect
And you would want me to see you for you
Separate is not equal
So don’t tell me lies
Cause the truth I can see
When I look from behind these eyes
Last time I checked, we were all human
So why is it that we can’t relate
Because our biology is different
You’re telling me we can’t break bread or eat from the same plate?
Instigating hate
Because we don’t understand
But understand this,
You need to love your fellow man
So don’t neglect man because of how they love
For I have clearly seen
That love isn’t limited
To the make-up of one’s genes
Don’t neglect man
When it begins with “Wo”
Because without them,
Where the FUCK is man gonna go
Don’t neglect man
When their skin isn’t the same as you
Realize that masterpieces
Need other colors too
Empathy, sympathy
These things don’t cost a dime
But the moment you forget to have a heart
Is when you put your soul on the line
So change what’s in your heart
By changing what’s in your brain
And you’ll never forget that WE
Are all the HU in humane